Training program

SENA offers the program with all technological and cultural tools innovative methodologies, competencies according to the trends, changes and needs of the business sector.

Resultado de imagen para ASISTENCIA ADMINISTRATIVA
1. Production of documents:

Identify functions and procedures within the organization, write documents applying grammar rules and current rules for the presentation, typing and transcribing texts with available technologies with excellent dexterity.
Resultado de imagen para produccion de documentos

 2. Organization of documents: Receive, dispatch and preserve physical and digital documentation in accordance with current organizational and legislative policies
Resultado de imagen para organización de documentos
3. Support the accounting system: 
To prepare commercial and accounting documentation, to account the operations of the company and to generate reports to verify the accounting operations, all this taking into account the accounting and commercial standards. 
Resultado de imagen para contabilidad

4. Process Information: Identify the information needs of the administrative unit, compile the information using the instrument designed by the company and present the information tabulated according to the company policies.Resultado de imagen para procesar informacion informatica
Resultado de imagen para procesar informacion informatica



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